start your body transformation.

Please Note: We accept one time payments only.
For payment via direct bank transfer, check Bank Transfer Details.

EMI Options are available at checkout page for supported cards/banks.

SPECIAL OFFER: Enroll in Coaching, get Course for FREE!
3-6 months are our most popular.

For yearly coaching (12 months) - click here.
Self Paced
Get the system. Become self-reliant. Lifetime Access.

FREE - if you enroll in coaching.
4 Modules - 24 video lessons
Exercise Library: 160+ Exercises
26 Bonus Lessons
Diet & Workout Plans [9 Templates]
Exercise/Food Replacement Guide
Recipe Library
Supplement Guidebook
Progress Tracking Sheet
Lifetime Access
34% OFF
6 Months
6 month is the best timeframe for Complete Body Transformation.

90 Day Money Back Guarantee.
Includes Lifetime Access to Course
Customised Training Plan
Customised Diet Plan
Plan Changes with time
1-to-1 Coaching Support (Chat)
Exercise Form Correction/Feedback
Solving all your training/nutrition/mindset queries
Progress Monitoring:
Weekly/Monthly Check-Ins
Option to PAUSE anytime
10% OFF
3 Months
3 month is the minimum time we need for meaningful results.

Includes Lifetime Access to Course
Customised Training Plan
Customised Diet Plan
Plan Changes with time
1-to-1 Coaching Support (Chat)
Exercise Form Correction/Feedback
Solving all your training/nutrition/mindset queries
Progress Monitoring:
- Weekly/Monthly Check-ins
Option to PAUSE anytime
Sign Up with your partner, and get an extra 10% OFF from our side.
Or sign up as a family of 4 and get an extra 18% OFF!
(Click Here for Family Plan)
34% OFF + 10% OFF
6 Months
Long term commitment is ideal for best results. Most body transformations on Hypertroph take at least 6 months. Please note - this is per member fee shown above.
Includes all Course Features, plus..
Customised Training Plan
Customised Diet Plan
Plan Changes with time
1-1 Coaching Support (Chat)
Exercise Form Correction/Feedback
Solving all your queries on training/nutrition/mindset/progress
Progress Monitoring:
Weekly/Monthly Check-Ins
Option to PAUSE anytime
10%+10% OFF
3 Months
Our most popular service, most people enroll for 3 month coaching - and renew later if needed. Please note - this is per member fee shown above.
Includes all Course Features, plus..
Customised Training Plan
Customised Diet Plan
Plan Changes with time
1-1 Coaching Support (Chat)
Exercise Form Correction/Feedback
Solving all your queries on
Progress Monitoring:
Weekly/Monthly Check-Ins
Option to PAUSE anytime

Compare plans and features

1 : 1 Coaching Support

Daily Coaching Support - detailed response on any query/doubt you face in your journey (on telegram chat)

(Text /Voice /Video)
1 : 1 Exercise Form Correction

Detailed Feedback & Coaching Cues on your exercise forms (on telegram chat)

Progress Monitoring

You will receive coaching feedback on your weekly and monthly check-ins

24+ Video Lessons

You will know exactly what to do and how to design your diet/training/progress plans

26+ Bonus Lessons

For when you want to explore a topic in depth, this is not mandatory course material

Training Templates

In the course, I will explain you how to build your workout plan

Nutrition Templates

In the course, I will explain how to build your diet plan

Customized Diet Plan

I will set your nutrition targets and make your meal plan.

Customized Training Plans

I will make your workout plans, and also make changes to your plans. Your 14-week Transformation Journey will have you train through 4 systematic phases.)

Ultimate Exercise and Food Substitution Guides

For you to replace any exercise/food in your plan depending on the situation

Exercise Library with 160+ Exercises

Step by Step Breakdown of every exercise in your training plan along with instructions and videos for each exercise (youtube videos by other creators)

Recipe Library & Supplement Guidebook

A recipe library with 36+ easy to make recipes - healthy & tasty snacks / desserts / lunch / dinner / breakfast / beverage options. A supplement guidebook with detailed breakdown of all popular supplements in market - you will understand which ones are safe, natural and recommended.

Progress Tracking Sheet

To track your progress systematically on a weekly basis


Should I opt for Course or Coaching?

Take Course if: you are looking for a cost-effective body transformation plan. Through 24 video lessons, you will get all the knowledge, systems and templates you need to transform your body, make your own plans, and become self reliant.

Take Coaching if: You are 100% committed to transform and want 1-1 daily coaching support at every step of your transformation journey. You will get customised training/nutrition plans designed by me. You will get detailed correction feedback on telegram on your exercise forms, and any query you face in nutrition, mindset or training. I will be monitoring your progress with weekly/monthly checkins, and provide weekly feedback on your progress tracker - if you fill your tracker regularly. Coaching includes all the features of the course. We provide the option to PAUSE your coaching - if needed.

SPECIAL OFFER- Enroll in Coaching Program, and get lifetime access to Transformation Course for FREE!

Do the course provide workouts that can be done in gym only? Or does it also include dumbell/bodyweight exercises which can be done at home as well?

Every workout comes with an "Exercise Substitution Guide" for every exercise that is programmed in the workout. Using the exercise substitution guide - you will be able to find an equally effective replacement for any exercise depending on what equipments you have at hand, which depends on whether you are training at a gym or home or a very basic gym. The goal is to equip you with the understanding to train independently in any environment - home or gym.

How will my exercise form be corrected?

Your form videos are reviewed and detailed feedback is provided on Telegram Chat - this is part of Coaching Service.

Can I pay monthly instead of one time payment?

We only accept one time payments to keep coaching hassle free for both of us. Some banks/cards might provide an option of EMI to you on payment gateway, that you will have to check.

What if I have a query while going through the course? How can I get it answered if I am not enrolled in "coaching" program?

Course: The course has been designed in a very exhaustive manner and all the most common queries have already been answered through the course content. And then, there is a chapter just on FAQs both in training and nutrition modules. And if your query is still not covered, then you can add it in the comments and Coach Siddharth will answer it. You will have clarity at each step, and all your queries will be answered if you follow the course system.

For daily 1:1 chat based support (text/voice/video) - check out Coaching.

When will I get access to the course once I enroll?

You will get course access on the same day. You will receive our email in next 60 minutes with your username and password.

Does the buddy plan cater to our distinct fitness goals i.e. separate meal and workout plans for us per our fitness objectives - given I enroll with a friend/partner.

Yes of course, when you enroll with a partner in the buddy plan - both of you would be treated as individuals, and separate plans/communications will follow. Buddy plan is simply an added 10% discount if you enroll with a friend/partner.

Will my injuries/health conditions be taken care of in plan?

Yes, your training and diet plans will take care of your unique constraints/injuries/health conditions. All your personal details will be taken in the coaching application. However, we are not medical professionals and please be sure to work under your doctor's instructions.

I don't do much cooking as I receive a monthly tiffin service or mostly eat out. Considering your course likely includes specific food items and meal plans, I'm curious about how my tiffin meals will align with your meal plans. How would diet work in such a case?

The course caters especially to those people who live busy lives and don't cook by themselves. As this is the most common case in today's time - most people either eat out or have someone else make their meals. The course focuses on learning "how to eat" and how to be a skillful eater.

The course will give you the understanding and information you need to properly portion out your food & make the right food choices.
Portion Control, and right food choices is the name of the game.

The course also covers how to eat when you are eating out, or travelling - or in any imaginable case.

What we do as coach is to tell you "how to design your meal", you can always pick carb source of your choice, protein source of your choice - as long as you adhere to the basic principles of nutrition.

Are there calls involved, if I opt for "Coaching"?

The communication will happen over telegram app. At any point you can share your queries as bullet points or voice message if needed. To which, we will revert with a detailed response - with text or voice message if needed. Please note there are no voice or video calls involved in the process. You can see the next FAQ to understand why I do not communicate through calls.

Why your coaching does not involve 1:1 calls?

I believe in keeping things extremely organised. Any queries you have will be answered in the most detailed fashion on telegram chat. On calls, the communication becomes dilute & reactive from both ends. On chat, the communication is organised and streamlined. You will receive the most detailed response to each of your queries - including relevant resources/links from internet. This level of detailed response is simply not possible on calls.

Furthermore, the chat will serve as the one place that records your entire fitness journey - like a thread. I don't want to include calls and raise the coaching price by 5 times, I honestly do not see the value addition. I used to charge INR 7,500 (100$)for a 60-90 mins of my time for 1-1 calls, until I realised that what happens on call - can happen in a much detailed manner on chat at significantly lesser cost to the client.

We have incredibly strong systems at Hypertroph. Our coaching style works - it is effective, systematic and extremely detailed. This way helps us serve you best while keeping the coaching cost for you very reasonable.

Do we have the flexibility to design the workout ourselves say 3 days a week or something else?

The course will teach you step by step how to design an effective workout in 3, 4 or 5 days - you get to decide how many days you wish to train. :) The course will also give you the ultimate 3-by-5 Hypertroph Training Protocol which is the most flexible, scalable and adaptable way to train as it adapts from 3 to 5 days a week depending on how busy your week is. This is designed by Coach Siddharth and hasn't been shared anywhere else on the internet.

How are the check-ins done for progress tracking in Coaching?

The check-ins are done in 2 modes - weekly check-ins and monthly-checkins. Weekly Check-Ins is basically you filling your progress tracker (google sheet) and receiving weekly coaching feedback on the tracker itself. Monthly Check-In is where you will be asked for your progress pictures and measurements on a monthly email.

Which is the best coaching plan for me? 3 or 6 month?

The time interval is upto you to decide. To produce meaningful results- we need at least 3 months of time. Best Transformations usually take 6 months or longer. Ultimately, you are stepping on a lifelong journey, and we are only here to save you time and accelerate your learning curve. Longer time frame makes coaching cost effective on a per month basis, has a higher commitment going on for client, and hence - high success rate.

If I plan to extend my Coaching later from 3 months to 6 months, would I get discount?

Yes, we offer special discounts to all our existing members for coaching service renewal.

What are the qualifications of the Coach? Which Certifications?

Coach Siddharth is Henselmans Certified PT, which is one of the highest industry standard for nutrition and biomechanics. You can check certfication details here.

How does the nutrition chart looks. Is it just a set of guidelines, or you give exact meals with portion sizes for everything along with macros.

Your nutrition plan will be extremely detailed, and structured. In each meal, you will have different options. In each meal option, you will know exactly how much portions (in grams) you should put on your plate.
We will start with a simple meal plan, priority being “ease of execution”. Imagine learning to drive a car, you learn that on safe simple roads and not directly on complicated mountain roads or busy highways. But once you learn how to drive, you can drive anywhere.

You will have a substitution guide to replace any food item in your meal plan depending on what is available to you in a particular scenario. This will help you learn the art of skillful eating in a playful manner. You will understand "food".

Similarly, once you learn how to eat with a simple and easy to execute meal plan, you can learn how to eat anything, anywhere. And that is what our goal is, not to keep you dependent on "a diet plan" but rather to tear away the diet plan and become a skilful eater.

Even if you want to eat something totally different outside the meal plan, the plan will tell you roughly what Macros to look for. Again we’d like to re-emphasise here that we are not going on a diet plan, that’s a limiting perspective. We are learning "how to eat".

And your nutrition plan will only be a stepping stone, a structure that helps you learn skilful eating in fastest possible way. Rest assured, you will always get feedback/suggestions when you share you meal picture over telegram with Coach.

How do you coach and produce results. What does the process looks like.

Here’s how it works-Your Hypertroph Journey will be structured and systematically divided into Phases, everything is designed by Coach Siddharth. Each Phase has specific goals. The first phase is – Phase 0 [INTRO BLOCK]. This lasts usually 2 weeks. It is designed to integrate fitness in your lifestyle and systematically learn the basics of training/nutrition. This is where you will learn proper exercise forms, portion control and how to meet your protein needs.

This is followed by Phase-1 & Phase-2 in coming weeks, where we intend to build on top of the foundation laid. Your plans are customised and Changes are made to your training and nutrition in each phase as needed. These phases will prepare you for Phase-3 where we introduce Hypertroph 3-by-5 training method. I have designed Hypertroph 3-by-5 as the ultimate training method that is flexible, adaptable and scalable in all life scenarios. Don't worry if these words don't paint a picture in your head right now - as I said, there is a learning curve.

The whole intention is to learn how to eat and how to train and become independent for life. We help you learn that fast by giving you clear action steps, what to eat, how much to eat, alternatives, how to eat outside, on vacations. Your plan will clearly explain how to train, the correct exercise forms, exercise cues and thought process. You will be asked to share your meal pictures and exercise form videos for review over Telegram. That is how coaching will happen – via feedback. This ensures continuous learning on the go. With every meal, you become a more skilful eater. With every workout you learn how to train better. With every week, you become an upgraded version of yourself and get closer towards your best shape!

I can't go to the gym. Will you provide Home Workouts?

Absolutely. Most people on their Hypertroph journey have trained only at Home in COVID times & made excellent progress. If you have a heavy enough pair of dumbells at home (10-15 kgs for most people), it will get the job done. Other helpful accessories – Bench, Resistance Bands, pair of lighter dumbells [2.5 & 5 kgs].

How will you guys monitor my progress

You will have a progress tracker that you update every day (Daily Weight, Calories, Protein, Steps, Mood, Comments). At the end of every week, your coach checks your ongoing progress & you will get a feedback message – this is usually Sunday. If there is any changes needed in your training or diet, this is where the changes will be made. Progress Sheet is our go-to source, it shows what is working well and what isn’t. It shows how consistent you are. It shows what to keep, and what to modify. It tells us how to put the best foot forward.

How long it will take me to get lean, and reach my goal. I want to be ready for a party/event in 3 months (or 1 month, or x months, basically you have a personal deadline)

This depends on where you start. For someone wanting to reach Srinagar, time taken will depend on whether he starts from Delhi, or Mumbai, or Chennai. But in either case, the road is straight and what we have to do for progress is same, it’s just the distance that differs. Your Coach has made detailed videos on Youtube to explain the math behind it.
Watch it here-
Video- How FAST can you lose FAT in 1 Week.
Video- How long does it takes to reach Six Pack

I have a lot of fat around BELLY region, will these program help me with that.

For sure. Your belly fat is gonna vanish in coming weeks. There’s a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to this topic, which you must clear up first. Please watch this video this detailed video- 3 Steps to BURN BELLY FAT

What all do I need to buy? Would we need supplements?

You don’t need anything super fancy and expensive. We recommend only the most useful stuff, and the most basic supplements that only helps us make your diet convenient on a day to day basis. Only some basic things-
1. Kitchen Scale – Amazon Link
2. Weighing Scale – Amazon Link
3. Whey Protein- Amazon Link
4. Resistance Bands (If training at home)-Amazon Link

Is there monthly payments? If yes, what is the fee structure.

One time payment will be most cost effective. You can certainly opt for monthly payments by using your Card EMI structure on payment page. EMI Options are available at checkout page for supported cards/banks.

By when can we start, once I make payment.

To keep things clean, we only start coaching of any new client from the upcoming Monday - the next new week. You will receive all the details, and expected time of delivery on email once you enroll.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please mail us using the button.

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